C++ Insights ToDo

This is a list of things I plan to do. If you like to jump in that's great. Please have a look at the Code of Conduct and Contributing before starting.

  • [X] Add TODO.md
  • [X] Add CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
  • [X] Add Windows support
  • [X] macOS homebrew package
  • [ ] Linux debian package
  • [ ] Improve tests on other platforms than macOS
  • [ ] Temporary execute tests and check only for signals on other platforms than macOS
  • [X] Publish doxygen output -> see https://docs.cppinsights.io
  • [X] Switch between libc++ and libstdc++ headers?
  • [X] Add more headers like boost
  • [ ] Catch insights crashes and provide easy issue reporting including error output.
  • [X] Short links (public database?)
  • [X] Provide easy local installation (via docker)
  • [ ] Use libc++ on Windows